APAC Biologics CMO Data



Explore in-depth insights on more than 120 biologics contract manufacturing organizations and their facilities set up in the APAC region operating at different scales from preclinical to clinical to commercial with validated data and analytical capabilities. These companies are engaged in the contract services of manufacturing of biologics products including antibodies, vaccines, recombinant products, cell & gene therapy products among others, starting from cell-line development to fill & finish.

The data is captured across 25 parameters to provide real-time analytical & researched insights into Biologics CMO industry including biologics manufacturer’s name, location, service offering capabilities, scale of manufacturing, technology platforms, products manufactured, current & completed projects of CMOs, facility name, location, establishment year, facility size & capacity, annual production, batch size, bioprocessing equipment, bioreactors, expression system, manufacturing process type, regulatory compliance & certifications, sponsors & collaborations, future plans of CMOs and many other parameters. Complete list of parameters is provided in the following section.

Based on the data, APAC Biologics CMO market accounts for nearly 28% of the global market. Within APAC market, China, India and South-Korea has the largest presence of biomanufacturing facilities followed by Taiwan, Japan and Southeast Asian countries. One of the key trends observed in the APAC CMO market highlights that over the past few years, CMOs in China have been actively expanding their commercial manufacturing services.  Another trend is the introduction use of single- use systems over conventional stainless-steel systems. These trends are seen commonly in the set-up of new facilities or by new companies that are developing antibodies.

This data features over 120 CMOs from the region including key companies such as Serum Institute of Technology, Cell Therapies Pty Ltd, CMAB Biopharma, Lonza, Samsung Biologics, United Biopharma and Wuxi Biologics among other players.

The data is underpinned by user-friendly visuals to allow users to filter through within all the parameters to obtain any specific data such as CMOs by country, CMOs name, product manufacturing type, scale of manufacturing, regulatory compliance, bioreactor capacity & types, service offerings, facility size, expression system, manufacturing process mode, analytical and bioprocessing equipment, collaborators, suppliers.

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Key Parameters

  • Manufacturers Name
  • Manufacturers Location
  • Establishment Year
  • Service Offerings
  • Additional Services Offerings
  • Scale of Manufacturing (From pre-clinical to commercial)
  • Major Highlights
  • Technology Platform
  • Products Manufactured (All Biologics)
  • Sub-Products Manufactured
  • Projects
  • Investment (USD Mn)
  • Plant Name & Location
  • Facility Size (Square meters)
  • Plant Capacity & Batch Size
  • Bioreactor
  • Expression System
  • Manufacturing Process Type
  • Bioprocessing Equipment (Include technology service providers name)
  • Regulatory Compliance & Certifications
  • Sponsors & Collaborators
  • Expansion Plans & Other Updates

Regions Coverage

China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam,
Hong Kong, Indonesia

Product Types Covered


Antibody Therapeutics

Cell Therapy

Protein Therapeutics

Gene Therapy


Blood & Plasma

How This Data Will Benefit?

This data provides easy to comprehend data for over 120 biologics manufacturers with in-house capabilities and expert service offerings to support you with end-to-end manufacturing process.

This data provides an in-depth overview of the APAC Biologics CMOs and their manufacturing capabilities. Through these data, you are more likely to stay ahead of your competitors by keeping updated track of new and upcoming APAC based CMOs, expand your knowledge & expertise in biomanufacturing. Identify any opportunities for strategic partnerships or investments to speed biologics products to market.

The data provides detailed insights that are available nowhere in the market with the goal of assisting market players in advancing their priorities and investments, as well as accessing the competitive landscape for APAC market. Given the major trend in the market that many western biopharma or large pharma companies are considering Asia market for outsourcing the manufacturing activities to save cost on production, this tracker will be highly useful for companies that are looking to partner with CMOs in Asian countries to manufacture products cost effectively while also following GMP and western practices.

Data Methodology

The data is researched and validated using primary and secondary research. The data is collected through multiple scientific and non-scientific sources including live discussions with experts through IMAPAC’s events and research reports, survey polls, company websites, press releases, publicly available information, regulatory database and many more. We ensure delivery of highly-qualified research as we tap into our database of 62000+ life science professionals curated over a decade.

We have a database of key decision makers from the biopharma companies across the region. We host industry surveys with bioprocessing leaders of CMOs and Biopharma, and host primary interviews with Heads of Manufacturing, R&D, Process Development Heads and multiple stakeholders in the companies to gather data as well as validate that data using our primary research analysts.

Throughout the year, we keep in touch with the KOLs through telephonic Conversation, with Q&A sessions with high profile biopharma professionals, for example CSO/CTO profiles. Apart from telephonic conversations, we send a list of questions which these experts fill in detail and send back to us.

We have dedicated analysts who gather data. The data included in the tracker is validated through primary research (interviews, phone calls) with stakeholders which is then validated by IMAPAC’s research analysts to ensure the accuracy of the data.

Key Questions Answered

  • Who are the key CMOs for large molecule production in Asia?
  • Which is the largest facility in Asia for biologics clinical or commercial manufacturing?
  • What are the manufacturing services provided by the CMOs?
  • Which key biologics are manufactured in CMO’s facility?
  • How many projects are completed by the CMOs?
  • What are the bioreactor capacities in each facility, process development labs? Is the capacity expandable?
  • Which CMO facilities in APAC offers end-to-end biomanufacturing capabilities?
  • Which are the key existing clients of CMOs and their client distribution regionally?
  • What is the strength of manufacturing team?
  • What type of equipment and technologies are used by CMOs and who are their technology partners?
  • Who are the current investors in each CMO facility and their plans to seek investment?
  • What are the future expansion plans for CMOs in Asia?

Data Sample