
Cell Therapy

Astellas Announces the Opening of Its New Gene Therapy Manufacturing Facility in North Carolina

Astellas Pharma Inc has announced the opening of a new late stage clinical and commercial manufacturing facility in Sanford, North Carolina, US. The facility will allow the company to expand its resources and team to establish a robust, global supply chain and expand its therapeutic and geographic scope. Article Summary The new 135,000 square-foot state-of-the-art...

Center for Breakthrough Medicines Accelerates Plans to Build the Largest Cell Therapy Manufacturing Operation in the World

The Center for Breakthrough Medicines (CBM) in partnership with the Discovery Labs has accelerated the plans to build capacity to manufacture more than 10,000 patient therapies in direct response to the critical shortage of cell therapy supply, which will help patients win their courageous battles against cancer. Article Summary Planning has begun on a massive...

Prescient Therapeutics Unveils its New Cell Therapy Platform – CellPryme-M

A clinical-stage oncology company Prescient Therapeutics (PTX) has launched its second cell therapy platform, CellPryme-M, which produces superior cells with greater cancer killing activity. This platform opens commercial opportunities for the company to incorporate it into third-party manufacturing processes. Article Summary PTX has developed this new platform technology in association with its research partner, Peter...